doit VR®
doit VR®

Security Policy

Basic Policy on Information Security

AGENCIA JAPAN CO., LTD. (“the Company”) declares that, in order to gain the confidence of society and to protect the information assets of the Company from all threats, it has formulated and will adhere to a Basic Policy on Information Security.

  1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

    The Company will comply with standards such as government-established laws, guidelines, separately prescribed regulations, and agreements.

  2. Maintenance of Monitoring System

    The Company will clarify its responsibility in regard to information security and establish an organizational structure to implement the necessary measures.

  3. Construction of Management System

    In order to promote proper management and application of information assets, the Company will identify information security risks, conduct risk assessments, and implement organizational, physical, personal, and technical measures as necessary. Additionally, the Company will respond promptly and mitigate damage when problems related to information security occur.

  4. Thorough Training

    The Company will conduct regular training of all employees in matters related to information security based on this basic policy.

  5. Handling of Personal Information

    The Company will handle personal information based on the Privacy Policy (the Basic Policy for Protection of Personal Information).

  6. Continual Improvement of Initiatives

    The Company will conduct a regular review of the information security management system, including the above items, and it will make improvements continually.


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